Home Love Poems Summer Love

Summer Love


Summer is the time of year when people fall in love. It’s a time for romance, long walks, and picnics under the sun. The summer is also a time for those who are already in relationships to celebrate their love with each other.

Summer Love

There’s a new wind blowing like I’ve never known,
I’m breathing deeper than I’ve ever done,
And I wanna love somebody,
Love somebody like you;

I’m letting go of all my lonely yesterdays,
I’ve forgiven myself for the mistakes I’ve made,
Now that I have your arms around me,
I feel alive, I feel so alive;

I remember the first time when we first met,
We shared a look and I thought right then,
Of all the things you are and all the things that you do,
The way you kiss me, the way you hold me, I knew,
When we first kissed, it felt like summertime;

Every day that I spend with you,
Is like being in a dream,
And every time I’m with you I’m on a high,
Nothing could ever be as good as any time we spend together;

And now I know, that I am falling in love with you,
I want you to be mine and me be yours,
‘Cause all I do is think of you,
I want to hold you tight under the stars and diamonds,
You are more than just mine, you are my world;

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angel February 26, 2010 - 2:23 pm

Very touching and melancholic love poem. You have written a love story out of a poem and it just made me misty eyed. I can imagine the feeling of being left alone, waiting and hoping for a love one to come but all hopes were gone.

Well, thats life- it must go on despite sadness and emptiness. There’s more life ahead to share and care for the living.

Thank u for sharing this poem.

PS. You can visit and read my poems and share ur thoughts too.
True Love, We Belong and With One HELLO(the most recent one- more are still coming.)

kayleigh j. March 12, 2010 - 11:38 am

I loved your peom and my friend and I are doing a report on it in school. I would like to know if you would send some information to us about you and/or your poem.

kuulkat March 24, 2010 - 12:32 am

this a really good poem when u read it u can fell the felling u would have this poem is really emo

Anj May 25, 2022 - 8:16 pm

Very touching and makes you feel the emotion behind this as you read it. 😍 πŸ’•

Matheikal June 1, 2022 - 7:43 pm

Very positive romance.


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