Home Life Poems You, Me and Us

You, Me and Us


walking up and down the corridor,
waiting for you, i begin to realize
how much i love you! You and Me and Us

together in happiness and sorrow,
through the rain and the sun,
holding hands together,
we walked the earth;

my heart starts pounding
everytime you come near,
and as i look into those eyes,
i get lost;

lost into a world of passion,
just you and me,
a tender kiss under the moon light,
as i hold you tight;

as i stand here now,
pacing up and down,
it was just you and me,
and now
it is you, me and us!

image credit: castleandthings.com.au

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Bebe May 6, 2012 - 12:45 pm

Loved it! <3

compact cylinder August 16, 2012 - 12:04 am

I like poem.


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