Home Love Poems Everlasting Love

Everlasting Love


The moment you know that he / she is the one, your life changes for good.

Everlasting Love

As I sit here watching the words scroll by
reading the lines of poets’
I think of how much you mean to me
And I must be sure you know it;

Each day I love you more and more
My heart, it over flows
And I have to wonder to myself
Do I always let it show;

I know that I can be stubborn
The truth I don’t always see
It hides away in the dark
Waiting to be set free;

Afraid to put my trust in you
Afraid that you will leave
That you will take my heart again
And throw it back at me;

But as much as I fear the love
It grows inside me still
Filling me with thoughts of you
Its the pain I want to kill;

My heart aches for you Sweetheart
Its so full its about to burst
In my life you will always be
The one that I put first;

I’m sorry if I ever hurt you
My love does not always show
But I can make this promise to you
My love for you continues to grow;

I swear to always be here for you
And I know you’ll be here for me too
I can’t wait for that special day
When we each say “I do”;

We will live happily forever
In a home overflowing with love
And each night before I close my eyes
I will thank our God above;

For giving me someone so special
A love that’s always true
If I ever lost you Sweetheart
I don’t know what I would do;

You are the reason I’m happy
The reason that I live
And for your happiness Darling
My life I would gladly give;

Please don’t forget that I love you
And that I need you so much in my life
And we will be together forever
As husband and as wife.


First published on Feb 17, 2007. Re-published on June 25, 2020.

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