Home Love Poems Dreams!



Mouse Dreams

standing at the shadows
with the sun fading away into the horizon
hand in hand, we stand
watching the waves lap at our feet;

a gentle breeze catches your hair
and lightly blows it in my way,
caressing my senses and
causing me to lose my breath;

standing there in silence,
heart beats filled the empty air;
with darkness closing from all sides
love emanating from us, we stood there;

reactions unknown, to the words that i say;
dreams of a joyous future suppressed inside;
i pen my words as poems to set my soul free;
while dreams of us continue to haunt me day and night;

desire transforming into dreams
now wander through my mind,
searching for a release to become as one,
with you by my side.

as the sun settles beneath the horizon,
the gentle sound of the waves sing lullabies
with my emotions weighing me down every day
i hold your hand in mine,
safely cuddled in my dreams!
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image courtesy and copyrighted to ART.com
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Raji Krishnan August 18, 2008 - 10:12 pm

that’s so romantic.. 🙂

Praveen August 19, 2008 - 2:07 am

Thank you Raji 🙂

Aly November 23, 2009 - 7:13 am

I m charmed! :X

eriemorganmaples August 3, 2012 - 12:53 pm

my love of poetry will
never fade into the
distance, as most
people can’t seem
to resist my poetry
in motion as they read it
for themselves.

my poetry in motion
gives off a sublime
out-look of how many
people leave this poetry
unwritten and even unsaid
before the world around them

erie morgan


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