A loving heart, a gentle smile, a warm and tender touch, We give so many things in life but nothing means as much. A little inspiration when someone loses hope, …
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If the sky above seems cloudy, And you are left out in the rain, If you are searching for a rainbow, But the colors bring you pain, If your world …
If you sit down at set of sun And count the acts that you have done, And, counting, find One self-denying deed, one word That eased the heart of him …
I have always seen life for what it really is. Ever since I was a child growing up, hard times are all I know. I had to sit back and …
Watching the world through a blacked-out window You see no sun, Yet people see light shining in your eyes, You are the sun for others Watching children play, wishing you …
Out through the fields and the woods And over the walls I have wended; I have climbed the hills of view And looked at the world, and descended; I have …
Childhood, sweet and sunny childhood, With its careless, thoughtless air, Like the verdant, tangled wildwood, Wants the training hand of care. See it springing all around us — Glad to …
The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read Beneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree. Disillusioned by life with good reason to frown, For …
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all. Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that …
I WONDER about the trees. Why do we wish to bear Forever the noise of these More than another noise So close to our dwelling place We suffer them by …
In the night with the fragrance of flowers I was thinking about the world…….. so many thoughts, so many worries, I was thinking about myself……… So many concerns, So many …
Yesterday a butterfly Came floating gently through the sky. He soared up through the atmosphere Then drifted close enough to hear. I said, I’d love to fly with you And …