Home Life Poems Keep Dreaming

Keep Dreaming

You and Me - Couple in Love

You and Me – Couple in Love

afraid of what I would see
if I peeked inside,
I became deaf and dumb
to the emotions that my heart cried out;

the day slowly slips by
bringing nothing to conclusion
bringing nothing new to light,
it slowly dragged on the inevitable;

with every step that I take,
my confidence grows even further
allowing me to take on everything
allowing me to acknowledge my emotions;

like a wild fire, that went out of control,
the madness around me morphed from a
child with no fears, into an adult
scared to accept what my hearts cries out;

it seems that I knew this forever,
lying within me, making it presence felt now and then,
like the seasons changing,
my mind changed what I once thought was forever;

time slipped so quickly,
and before I could take a breath,
I realized it’s now or never,
I realized how much I had lost;

shrouded by the safe haven I built around me,
I failed to acknowledge the beautiful sun shining outside,
I failed to notice the chirping of the birds,
I forgot to laugh and smile enjoying the things I like to do;

as each wave of emotions came in slowly,
under the bright light of the moon,
I stood here hypnotized by the glow of
what life still has to offer;

amidst the chaos of my soul,
one dim light still flickered on,
strong enough to prevent the
darkness engulfing my soul completely;

strong enough to keep the,
river of dreams flowing,
to keep dreaming of a wonderful,
beginning for you and me together;

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – —
They say dreams are the windows of the soul–take a peek and you can see the inner workings, the nuts and bolts. – Henry Bromel

One must desire something to be alive. – Margaret Deland

The inability to open up to hope is what blocks trust, and blocked trust is the reason for blighted dreams. – Elizabeth Gilbert

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This poem was first written and published on Sept 14, 2008. It has been updated on Mar 05, 2021.

If you like this, check out some of the other poems on love

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Pavithra September 15, 2008 - 9:18 am

very nicely written. dreams are the windows to the soul.

raji krishnan September 15, 2008 - 9:20 am

living in dreams? is that what you mean?? good one

raji krishnan September 15, 2008 - 9:23 am

okay got it now.. amazing it is


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